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Welcome to the Liberty-Curtin Elementary School Grades K – 4 website!

We are a part of the Keystone Central School District with our school located just over the Clinton County line in Centre County. Our current enrollment is approximately 165 students with two classrooms for each grade level. We have a wonderful staff of teacher who provides high quality engaging instruction in all four core subjects: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. We also offer our students Second Step social and emotional lessons along with Smart Future lessons to build their career readiness. Itinerant teachers are the key to expanding our students learning and growth in the areas of Art, Library, Music, Physical Education and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math). We always find creative ways to actively engaging our students in learning!

We have a super Parent Teacher Organization that continually supports our teachers and students throughout the school year! We hope you enjoy checking out the great things happening at our school on this website.

If you have any questions, please call the school at our NEW PHONE NUMBER – 570-893-4900 extension 2501 or stop by to see us at:
Liberty-Curtin Elementary School
11125 North Eagle Valley Road
PO Box 329
Blanchard, PA 16826

                Thank you for checking out our site!

                            Brett Umbenhouer
                Liberty-Curtin Elementary Principal
                        570-893-4900  ext 2502

New Student Registration

Any student who is new to the area will need to enroll with our Student Services Department.  

Learn More

First page of the PDF file: WildcatLogoforBackgrounds

School Breakfast and Lunch Programs

Visit here for school menus and other important information from our Food and Nutrition Services Department

Learn More

Liberty Curtain


Please take a moment to read up on how to get involved with our fabulous PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) 

Please click HERE to learn more.

First page of the PDF file: PTOLogoWebsitePDF


Federal Programs for Liberty-Curtin Elementary

Please Click HERE to visit our Federal Programs and Title 1 Information for the 2024-2025 school year.

Transportation Information


Transportation is available for all students.  Please click HERE to learn more about bus routes and busing forms. 

Parent Drop-Off and Pick-up Information is found HERE.

Attendance Excuses, Procedures and Family Educational Trip Forms

Excuses or Pick-Up Notes can be electronically submitted HERE.  Educational Trip Forms are available HERE.

Happening Now

Liberty-Curtin Elementary School is currently in session for the 2024-2025 School Year. Our school doors open at 7:20am and close promptly at 7:40am. Dismissal is at 2:30pm.  We ask all parent pick-up to not come to the school until after 2:25pm to allow our buses to arrive in the parking lot safely.  Construction on our new building is moving along and we are very excited to see it come to be a reality.  Welcome Back students!!  Please contact the Main Office if you have any questions or concerns at 570-893-4900 ext 2501.  Our fax number is 570-962-3124. 

Call the Main Office to schedule your appointment for the 2025-2026 School Year.

2025KindergartenRegistrationWendyCopy1 (PDF)

Please click HERE to be directed to our On-Line Registration page. 

Immunization requirements can be found HERE.

New Start Times for the 2024-2025 School Year

Drop-Off and Pick-Up for the 2024-2025 School Year

First page of the PDF file: LCDropOffandDismissalProcedures24-25

Liberty-Curtin February 2025 Newsletter

Liberty-CurtinFebruaryNewsletter2025 (PDF)


